We open the season with the break down of the first R5 University line-up and how they fared against the rest of the country on week 1. Region 5 had lots of freshman debuts this week and we highlight many of them for you. Our Fab 5 features Fisk, Cal Bear Head and a Barbie Girl! Oh and who is on Olivia Karas mind in this weeks Karas Kickover. Listen in as we big arch back salute our alums in week 1.
On this show:
-Fab 5 (or 6)
-Karas Kickover with Olivia Karas
-New NCAA Changes Reminder
-Region 5 University of Week 1- How did Region 5 Do? Whose up next week?
-9.9 Notebook
-Freshman Debuts (oh there is a lot)
-ShoutOut Week #1- Nyah Smith
-ALUMonday (Check out more routines from our alums in wk#1)
-Built Bar Best 5 of the week- Get 10% off on built bars with code R5Insider