Gym: Mid Michigan
Age Group: Senior B
Graduation: 2020
Favorite Quote: ” He who says he can and he who says he can’t, are both usually right”
Favorite Social Media: SnapChat
Favorite Type of Music: Country
Favorite Actor/Actress: Black Lively
Favorite Color: Blue
Tell us about you experience competing at Level 10 Regionals in 2019, compare this experience to past regionals or Level 9 Regionals if this was your first year of 10. My experience at Level 10 Regionals in 2019 was definitely a lot of fun. I made sure to have a positive attitude throughout and be happy for all my teammates from other gyms. This year I wasn’t focusing on my scores and where I would place, I just wanted to make sure I tried my very best on every skill and routine. That as all I could ask for from myself
What have you learned from previous experiences at Regionals or Nationals and what made this year different? I learned this year at Regionals that it wasn’t about where I stood on the podium or at the meet, it was how I stood. I just focused on having fun and making the best of every moment.
What are you most looking forward to about nationals? I am super excited to be part of such an energetic and powerful team. I can’t wait to get to know everyone and make new friendships all while getting to do the thing we love most.
How does it feel to represent Region 5 on a national stage? It feels amazing to be able to represent Region 5 because I have dreamed about being a part of this experience since I was a little girl, always looking up to my teammates who earned their spots before.
What is your most memorable moment in gymnastics besides qualifying to JO Nationals? The most memorable moment in gymnastics other than qualifying to JO Nationals was winning vault and finishing 2nd place in the All-Around at Level 9 Easterns.
What is the most powerful piece of advice you have received and how has it specifically impacted your gymnastics? The most powerful piece of advice I have received was from my coach who always reminds me that I need to just have fun with what I do and trust my practice. Remembering this advice helps me calm my mind and take deep breaths before I compete my routines.
Tell me something interesting about yourself….special talents, hobbies, interesting facts, etc.. I was very fortunate to have modeled for Tumbl Trak for a couple of years with my teammates. I also became quite close with the staff that was always there.