It has taken a little extra time, but the final part of the 2024 Region 5 Yahtzee Awards is now open! We have added a fun new category so look for that! If you missed voting for Part 1 (Click Here) Part 2 (Click Here) never fear voting for all parts will remain open til Monday at Midnight with Winners being announced Tuesday September 10th! So, make sure to post & share to get your votes in for all your favorites of 2024! Presented by A-1 Awards
Best Form

Best Stick

Nationals Newbies

Most Memorable Meet Moment
1. Queen City’s Independent Kids
Queen City’s coaches should be incredibly proud of their 8 National Competitors who had to rely on themselves, their teammates and other coaches to prepare them, coach them and congratulate them on their routines throughout the 2024 DEV Nationals. Stacy & Zac were the busiest coaches in the building running back and forth between the Junior & Senior Gym each session tending to multiple athletes on different events at different times. Sometimes starting with one athletes and ending with another. I was extremely impressed with how their well trained (mentally, emotionally and physically) their athletes handled themselves. I saw many of them mounting the beam with Stacy and dismounting with Bailey from JPAC it was incredible to watch these coaches and athletes work. They should be proud of themselves as should their coaches and parents.
2. Cameron’s Sweet Sixteen Present to herself
3. Madison Gustitus Upgrades Bar Dismount for Nationals & Sticks
Brand New Double Layout, competed for the first time, at Dev Nationals & Sticks it!
4. Lilia Cosman (CC Flips) Helps Romania Make History in Paris ’24
Best Post Routine Celebration

Best Performance
Favorite Invitational
Heart of Region 5
1. Rachael Tracy Gardner (CGA-Ohio)
“Literally the voice & the back bone of this new generation of our Region, as the older generation are starting to Retire, Rachael truly has emerged as the next one to look to as the strength of Region 5. Rachael is smart, strong, outgoing and knowledgeable. Rachael is about the Region and helping everyone in the Region be the best they can be and helping to provide whatever knowledge, she can while she asking for help and advice herself. Her passion and dedication to this sport as well as fostering a positive and safe environment for all is something we all can look up to and benefit from. Rachael is one of our Region’s fearless leaders and she is funny as hell!”
2. Tami Schaafsma (Champion USA-Michigan)
“Tami is the BOSS QUEEN!! Tami truly cares about everyone and is looking to make everything in the Region as good as she can. She is constantly reaching out for information, truly to value everyone’s opinions and values everyone’s voice. Tami is the easiest person to talk to as well as the most non-judgement person. Tami is the person you can call for anything and everything. Tami is the most perfect person to be leading the ship. Tami shows joy is what she does in the gym, on the competition floor and in the administrative roles.”
3. Irving Nochez (The Flip Zone-Indiana)
“Irving brings a Region 5 Heart everywhere he coaches! His gymnasts always cheer and help others at meets and camps. Irving is positive and never misses and opportunity to help. His passion and dedication to this sport are incredible and what we should all strive for in Region 5”
4.Steve Kams (Ultimate-Illinois)
“The true keeper of the Yahtzee! without Steve we would not of had the catch phrase at Nationals way back when and we would not have the awards we have came to love today! This past year was Steve’s first Dev Nationals back and it was great to have him at the helm of leading the hype! He has always been a great leader, team supporter and represents everything that is Region 5”
5.Brandon Fields (Aspire)
“Brandon is a true champion for Region 5, not only does he come up with great equipment for athletes like his GymKiwis (now with Tumbl Trak), but he shares his extensive gymnastics knowledge online with his helpful videos, tips and tricks for a wide range of skills. Brandon is a coach the kids absolutely love and the coaches admire and respect! Brandon is one of the kindest people always there to help, cheer, lend a hand and offer words of encouragement. He is a true inspiration for new and old coaches alike and is a part of the pulse and backbone of Region 5.”
6. Donny Bent (TOPS)
“Donny like many others on this list is someone who exudes Region 5 values and love for his Regionmates where he goes! He always has a smile on his face as well as words of positivity and encouragement for everyone he comes into contact with. Donny, is always willing to lend a helping hand, give advice, a pat on the back, a hug, handshake and high five when you see him. Donny is knowledgeable at his craft, respected and an a breathe of fresh air in the gym and on the floor.”
7. Coach Joey (Hunts)
“Coach Joey is one of the kindest people I have encountered in a long time, especially on the Xcel side of the competition floor, especially at the Regional Meet. My athlete from Michigan was the only Michigan athlete in her rotation, we followed behind the Michigan State Team Flight. My athlete is more of a quiet one, she spoke to her flightmates, but not alot. Joey who was with the athletes in the all Michigan flight ahead of us made a point to come over and say HI to my athlete and give her some words of encouragement and positivity at the start of the meet. Joey continued to do this before each event, then cheered for her and then made a point to give her a congratulatory high five after her routines. This absolutely meant the world to me that he took the time to give my athlete who he had never met the same love, cheers and encouragement that he did for his own athletes and for the athletes in his rotation. This really stuck with me and even though we do not cover Xcel, I wanted to make sure to give Joey his flowers and recognition because this is what the definition of “The Heart of Region 5” truly is and Joey 100% showed that that day at the Xcel Regionals.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote! Voting for all parts closes Monday at Midnight!