It began with 4 very close play ins and ended with lots of drama and excitement it’s REGIONAL weekend, up close and live for the best on bars never to win, SEARS is SOMETHIN, OU is OUTSTANDING U, Frazier was a show I never got into but I am all about the gymnastics of a Frazier, DId our R5 U line-up make it nationals this year, who is moving onto to Fort Worth, Oh and I am wondering if OKeefe’s favorite animal is a Cat because she lands like one

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Show Content
- Kim’s Weekly Wrap Intro
- Podcast Intro
- A little sound bite from our Special Guest Podcast (Coming SOON!)
- Behind the Scenes from the Ann Arbor Regional
- FAB 5
- Seniors Final Dismount
- The JIVE
- Region 5 University- Did We Make Nationals?
- Best Five of the Week