Another 9.9 fest, DeMers is back, Dennis goes viral onto GMA, and the first Region 5 Insider Classic was chair dropping. Though we didn’t cover any full meets we highlight many of the outstanding routines from our Alums in week 9.
Show Breakdown:
- Chair Dropping Success at the R5 Insider Classic
- Built Bar Weekly NCAA Rankings for Week 7 (NQS Week #1)
- Top Region 5 Alum All Arounders in Week 8
- Highlights from Week 9- Nia Goes Viral, Faces of VEGA, Anne Hammond, Olivia O’Donnell, Helen Hu, Lexi Funk, Leah Clapper and more
- Sparkle and Shine Lovely Leos Week 9
- Jtree Gym Balm College Salute Best 5 of the Week
Full Out Recruiting will be on the show in 2 weeks to answer any questions you may have related to college recruiting. Send questions to [email protected] or in direct message them on Instagram at FullOutRecruit before March 15th 2020.
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