Making Moves Monday (May 28th, 2018)



Region 5 is Making their Move into 2019. Check out some of the new skills being done from our gymnasts around the Region. If you want your upgrades to be included in future Making Your Move posts upload your video to your Instagram page (must be public or put up on gym IG) and tag us @region5gyminsider.

Buckeye is upgrading on Bars

Hannah Oliveros, IGI  New Front step out to Double Back (one of my favorite passes) 

[front step-out to double back] ‘tis the upgrade season !

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Lauren Bannister, Champion (KY) upgrading her full in to a WHIP FULL IN! YES THATS RIGHT!!!!!

@lauren.bannister shows some major power on her new double salto – Whip + Full-in!

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Kaitlyn Ewald, Revolution Gymnastics IS BRINGING BACK THE DOUBLE FRONT!  OH YEAH! 

She also has a new beam mount in the works AWESOME!

JerQuavia Henderson (“Q”), Gym Corner  adding a standing layout step out on beam

Q adding some powerful grace to her Beamwork. @region5gyminsider

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