Make Your Move Monday (July 3, 2017)


Monday July 3, 2017

Region 5 is Making their Move into 2018. Check out some of the new skills being done from our gymnasts around the Region. If you want your upgrades to be included in future Making Your Move posts upload your video to your Instagram page and tag us @region5gyminsider.

Emily Carless, Branch Gymnastics- Making the best of an arm injury:)

No arms, no problem ??

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Dashanti Young, Cincinnati- Nice Aerial Layout Step on Beam

Dashanti @itsduhhani with a new beam series! ?????? #cgastrong

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Ella Chemotti, EuroStars- Standing Arabian on Beam to her surprise!

Sometimes she surprises herself?? #arabian #upgrades #beaming #thatfacetho #level10 #ClassOf2021 #eurostars #gymnastics @ellachemotti

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Hannah Scheible, All American Flames- Impressive Tuck Tsuk 1 1/2 (work in progress)

Hannah Scheible 2023 Tuck Tsuk 1 1/2

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Olivia O’Donnell, IK Gymnastics- New Blind 1/1 Bail Hstd Combo

Olivia’s full pirouette to bail! ⭐️ And those strong, gorgeous lines! ⭐️ Beautiful work, Olivia!

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Cassi Barbanente, Palmers Gymnastics- Playing around with new bar dismount

Cassi playing around with upgraded bar dismount

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