2019 Level 9 Eastern National Championships (Day 1 Competition)


Day 1 of the 2019 Eastern National Championships started out full of energy and cheers, even though Brett forgot the Cheer Sticks, that did not stop Region 5 from having the best cheers in the arena! The Junior 1’s struggles a little on the bars, but hit the other 3 events, for many of these kids it was their first time representing Region 5 at the National Championships. Junior 2’s rocked it out today all over the gym to bring us our first All-Around Champion (Railey Jackson) & our first Team Title of the weekend. The Junior 3’s & Junior 4’s hit incredible Vault & Floor sets after having some struggles on the Beam & Bars. The Junior 4’s had to wait on two separate occasions for judging conferences prior to starting their beam and floor rotations, but these girls handled it well, especially the first athlete up. The Junior 4’s brought us our 2nd National Champion (JoJo Valahovic) and our 2nd Team award with a 2nd place finish. The last session of the day was the Junior 5’s & Junior 6’s. The Junior 5’s started out a little rough on bars but hit the next 3 events in a big way to earn the Junior 5 Team Title! We also saw our 3rd All-Around Champion (Breelyn Rickey). The Junior 6’s had solid performances all over the gym to earn a 2nd place team title as well as our 4th All-Around Champion of the weekend.

Congratulations to our Day 1 All-around & Event National Champions.

For full results click the age group links below

Junior 1

Balance Beam
1st Avery Schlichting, Gym Academy of Rockford 9.450

Junior 2
1st Railey Jackson, Legacy Elite 38.100
1st Railey Jackson, Legacy Elite 9.525
Floor Exercise
1st Railey Jackson, Legacy Elite 9.575
1st Place

Junior 3
Balance Beam
1st Josey Kiefer, Cincinnati 9.475

Junior 4
1st JoJo Valahovic, Gym World 38.300
1st Olivia Orengo, IGI 9.575
Uneven Bars
1st JoJo Valahovic, Gym World 9.700
Floor Exercise
1st(T) Olivia Orengo, IGI 9.575
2nd Place

Junior 5
1st Breelyn Rickey, Perfection 37.650
1st Place

Junior 6

Uneven Bars
1st Alexis Cano, St. Charles 9.725

2nd Place

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