20 Questions with Hunts Senior Mary Kate Bihary


Hunts Gymnastics Senior Mary Kate Bihary has just finished up her JO Club Gymnastics career this weekend at the 2017 Region 5 Championships. Mary Kate will move onto the next chapter of her gymnastics life in the fall when she attends Illinois State University as a member of the gymnastics team. Let’s get to know Mary Kate a little bit better as she says goodbye to Hunts Gymnastics Academy and Region 5 as she embarks on the next chapter.

How did you get into gymnastics? How old were you? My parents put me into the sport because I was flipping around in the house. I was 3.

What is your favorite event?  Bars.

What is your favorite part of gymnastics? Being apart of a team and having a second family that you know will always be there for you.

What college do you plan on attending? I am attending Illinois State University

What is your favorite meet to compete at? My favorite meet to compete at is either Circle of Stars or Chicago Style.

Biggest accomplishment in gymnastics so far?
My biggest accomplishment is qualifying to regionals at every state meet I have been at in levels 8,9 and 10.


Favorite skill to train and/or compete ?My favorite skill to train and compete is my blind jaeger bail on bars. (Video)

Dream skill? My dream skill is a double lay on floor.

Who do you most admire in the sport of gymnastics?  I most admire my coach for her dedication to our team and the many life lessons she has fought me through the sport of gymnastics.

What is your all-time favorite leotard? Do you still your very first leo? My all-time favorite Leo would have to be the blue and black team Leo I wore in eighth grade in level 8. Yes I still have my very first Leo.

What is your favorite movie? My favorite movie is the breakfast club.

What is your go to playlist or song before meets? My go to playlist before a meet is normally rap or caked up songs.

What do you want to be when you grow up?An orthopedic surgeon.

Where do you go to High School? Regina High School

What is your favorite color? Light Blue (Tiffany blue).

What do you like to do outside of Gymnastics? Hang out with my friends and family.

Favorite Gymnastics Moment? My favorite gymnastics moment is when I was in level 8 at regionals on vault and I had a blinding migraine, but still competed and ended up getting first on vault.

If you weren’t a gymnast, what sport would you do or try? I would probably try track or cross country.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live? Italy

If you could have lunch with anyone dead or alive who would it be and why? I would have lunch with my great grandmother because she passed away and I miss her very much.

Tell me something interesting about yourself…. Something interesting about myself is that I’ve donated a foot of hair two different times for cancer patients and will continue to do this each time my hair grows out long enough!

Check out Mary Kate on floor at the 2017 Region 5 Championships