1st Annual Region 5 Yahtzee Award Winners!!!!


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Congratulations to all the 1st Annual Yahtzee Award Nominees and thank you to all the friends, family, teammates and fans of Region 5 who voted! This is the moment everyone has been waiting for the announcement of the 1st Annual Yahtzee Award Winners!!!

Best Form                                                                                    Best Stick

Karen Howell, Olympia                                                               Mia Lord, DeVeau’s


Best Hair                                                                                        Coaching Moment

Cincinnati Gymnastics Academy (CGA)                                   Brett Wargo, Twistars USA

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Best Music                                                                        Best Choreography

Sarah Hargrove, CGA                                                     Claire Gagliardi, Olympic Dreams



Most Entertaining Routine                                       Best Overall Performance

Leah Clapper, Gym America                                                Jade Brown, Twistars USA


Most Memorable Meet Moment                           Most Unique Beam Series

Makarri Doggette, Buckeye                                          Audrey Rodriguez, Twistars USA


Most Interesting Beam Mount                            Most Unique Bar Combo

Rachel Borden, Legacy Elite                                      Claire Gagliardi, Olympic Dreams


Most Unique Vault

Ciara Ryan, HUGS                                            Mykenna Toungate, JPAC


Most Team Spirit

Oakland Gymnastics


Awards will be given out at the Region 5 Banquet this weekend or mailed to the gyms of the winners!

**Winners, once you receive your awards please take a picture of yourself with your awards and email it to us so we can post it to our social media pages.**