Episode #10- Illinois Bringing IT, Doggette Brought IT, State Meet Recaps



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We are recapping all five state meets in Region 5. Illinois state meet was one of the most competitive meets in many years. Makarri Doggette scores big and tops all level 10’s in Region 5. Michigan and Kentucky both were tight for the team championship. Indiana vaulted and tumbled circles around their bars and beam scores. We are talking the rise of the 2 pass routines, and who can remember all those comp deductions. Also Megan Bingham , Elaina McGovern, Sierra Brooks and Payton Richards talked to the Insider about their individual state performances.

Topic Discussion

4:50 2 Pass Floor Routines at Level 10

  *Are we taking the comp deductions?
*Are we a getting the 10.1 if earned?
* Are there too many comp deductions to remember?

15:55  Artistry vs the Big E Pass 
* Are there so many little deductions that they just aren’t taken?
* Impressive Tumbling over shadows artistry?

23:09  Major Single Bar Release….. Special Requirement or Compositional
* Routines like Kai Rivers and Andrea LI
* Maloney Pac/Bail Routines
* Higher value to single bar release

Breaking Down the State Meets

30:16 Indiana Level 10 State
*2 Senior Age Groups…. No Juniors?
* Handspring Front Vaults
* Reasons for lower bars and beam

36:52 Ohio State Meet

* Makarri Doggette highest score for all states  39.375
* Tory Vetter-  2 pass routine, Talking composition on floor
* Gabby Van Freyen bars set
* Olivia Rapp example for two pass routine
* Mickayla Stuckey artistry on floor

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50:09- Kentucky State Meet

* Increase in major releases and Yurchenko 1/1’s
* Elaina McGovern (Legacy) Senior State AA Champion- Interview (51:57)
* Megan Bingham (Champion) Junior State AA Champion- Interview (54:32)

Region 5 Insider Classic coming to Fort Wayne in March 2020 (Link to Meet Page)

56:00- Michigan State Meet (Link to Coverage Page)

* Kendall Abney- bars composition, beautiful Toe Full into maloney
* Sarah Morraw- Quiet Storm, Huge Tumbler, Consistent
* Pac out of Maloney combos are very impressive this year
* Paige Thaxton bar spreader issue
      Yahtzee Award Nominee 
* No Alyssa Al-Ashari for regionals but Beam State Champion
* Senior B’s dominate 4+ 38’s
* Sidesomurry!!!!
* Smiling with Twistars Beam Routines
* Karlie Franz Velcro stuck Double Arabian 9.825
* Matti Waligora new floor routine could make you cry in joy!

1:16:43- Illinois State Meet (Link to Coverage Page)

* Best Illinois State Meet 149 Level 10 entered into state
* Triple Flight Explosion- 14 triple flights on beam
* Rhyley Pitts- Triple Flight will be entering elite after JO Session
* Faith Torrez then WHO?
* S Triple E- Skyla Schulte, Ella Cesaria, Ellie Lazzari, Erika Penamante all over 38.5
* H 2 O T-  Hannah Oliveros, Haley Tyson each have a new big skill/combo
* Trump your Ace with a Q- Sierra Brooks, Andrea Li and JerQuavia Henderson
– Double Layout alert…. Andi warmed-up a Double Layout on Floor, Sierra has double layout
in her back pocket
– Sierra Brooks talk to us about graduating early and winning her first state AA title
* Richards for 4- Payton Richards wins her 4th State AA title in a row
– Power of Linda Zivat
– Payton talked to the Insider about her 4th state AA title and her bars routine (1:43:17)

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