Region 5 Twenty Five “Ones to Watch” Ohio


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The 2019 Region 5 Championships begin this tomorrow. As we approach the action packed weekend, we will be focusing on the up & coming gymnasts that you may not be aware of from each state in our great Region to keep your eye on. Region 5’s Twenty Five “Ones to Watch” ends with the 5 athletes from The Buckeye State….OHIO. These athletes either are first year level 10’s, coming back from injury or looking to qualify onto their first Region 5 JO Dream Team.

For more videos of our Michigan gymnasts or more across our region check out and subscribe to our new Youtube Channel


Grace Walker, Integrity

Olivia Lynd, Perfection

Gabby Van Frayen, Gym X-Treme

Allie Morgan, Universal

Isabella Trostel, Buckeye

Check out the athletes from Illinois | Indiana | Kentucky | Michigan

Good Luck to all the athletes, coaches and judges participating in the 2019 Region 5 Championships and a special thank you to our gracious hosts Branch Gymnastics.