Looking for R5 Insider Contributors


The Region 5 Gym Insider is looking for contributors to add more original print and video content to our site. We are in need of good content writers for regular articles and blog posts on any and all topics that relate to our athletes, coaches and judges in Region 5. If you have a passion for video and video editing, we have opportunities there as well, filming some of our special features like Eye on 5, R5 Spotlight, R5 All Access, Meet the Judge, Senior Saturday and more. mediaday

We have great gymnastics all around our region and are looking for state contributors in Indiana, and Ohio/Kentucky to cover invitationals, film workout features, special interest features and keep all posted on what is going on in the state. This can be a regular contributor or during specific times of the year (meet season, etc).  Though we have regular content in Illinois and Michigan, if you are interested and live in either of these two states, we are more then happy to have additional help as well.


This position is for someone who has a strong interest in media and journalism. We are looking for  professional people who are passionate about gymnastics and Region 5. The main purpose of this site is to showcase our great gymnasts and coaches in a positive light while engaging the gymnastics fans with original and interesting content. This is a non paid position that allows those with interests in media journalism to get experience in the field. For those who are currently in college majoring in sport related or journalism majors, we can provide internship or individual study credits toward your degree.kimonboard

If you are interested or want more information please email us at region5insider@gmail.com and put Insider Contributor in the subject.