HomeInsider News2022 Region 5 Yahtzee Awards (Part 3)

2022 Region 5 Yahtzee Awards (Part 3)

It’s time for the 3rd and final part of the 2022 Yahtzee Awards. This years awards have literally been the hardest to do. There has been so much great gymnastics in our Region this year that narrowing some of these categories down has resulted in a few late night arguments between Jason and myself, but we got them narrowed down….kind of. If anyone has listened to our podcast you should know that we can never just have a list of 5 of anything, so in true Insider fashion we have a few categories that exceed our 5+1 rule. It was just too hard to narrow down the incredible talent and routines in these last few categories, so we didn’t, we just let the numbers stand. 

Voting for Part 3 opens today with all parts closing on Thursday September 8th with the winners being announced Friday September 9th. If you missed voting for Part 1 & Part 2, thats okay, simply click the links below to check out the first 10 categories. All awards will be delivered/handed out to the winners at the Level 9 & Level 10 High Performance/High Tech Training Camps. If you are a winner and you are not attending a camp please let us know via email or Instagram and we will make sure your award goes home with one of your coaches or is mailed out to you. 

So without further a do here is the 3rd and final part of the 7th Annual Region 5 Insider Yahtzee Awards.


Most Entertaining Routine

Fun & Fancy Floor

Meet Moment
Nikki Smith Scores Perfect 10 on Vault at Presidential Classic

Faith Torrez Scores 4 Perfect 10s this season

Ethan Dunning Celebration goes viral


Queen City & CGA Qualifier 100% to Level 10 Nationals

Best Stick

Best Overall Performance

Brooke Maycroft-FIT
L9 State, Regional National AA Champion

Claire wood-Universal
L9 State, Regional National Vault & AA Champion

Avery Moll-DMGC
L9 State, Regional, National Vault & Back2Back AA Champion

Hannah Scheible-AA Flames
L10 Repeat National Beam Champion 
L10 2nd Place All Around
Swept Regional & MI State Championships
Nastia Liukin Qualifier

Nikki Smith-EuroStars
R5 Athlete of the Year
L10 Nastia Cup Co-Champion 
State, Regional, National Vault Champion
National Vault, Bars, Beam & AA Champion
Holds National Title on every event
Swept MI State Championships

Faith Torrez-Legacy Elite
R5 Athlete of the Year
L10 State, Regional, National Beam (3x) & AA Champion (3x)
Nastia Liukin Qualifier
Swept Regionals & Ill State Championships


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