20 Questions with All Star Team Member Chloe Bellmore (Twistars)


Our next 2017 All Star Team Member is Twistars Chloe Bellmore. Chloe has been a main stay and “One to Watch” in Region 5 Gymnastics, having been part of our Eye on 5 Features. Bellmore, who is a 2017 Yahtzee Award Winner, has returned from the All Star Team Trip and will be beginning her Junior year at DeWitt High School as well as a new gymnastics season. I love watching Chloe on the gymnastics floor, she is a fierce competitor, who makes everything she does look so effortless. There is a lightness about Chloe while she is competing especially on the Beam & Floor, she also has a killer vault. Chloe is a very well rounded athlete, who has certainly left her mark in Region 5 and Michigan Gymnastics. Let’s get to know Chloe a bit better as she embarks on what should be another great JO Season.


How did you get into gymnastics? How old were you? My older sister was taking a gymnastics class, and I always wanted to go watch her, so my mom signed me up for a class. I was 3 years old when I started this sport.

What is your favorite event? My favorite event is Floor.

Favorite Skill to Train/Compete? My favorite skill to compete is a full in on floor.

Dream Skill? A dismount off of bars

What is your favorite part of gymnastics? Getting to be out on the floor with my team and watching them all compete their routines.

What College do you plan on attending? Michigan State University

What is your favorite meet to compete at? I love competing at J.O. Nationals

What is your biggest accomplishment is gymnastics so far? Competing at Nationals and receiving a scholarship to a division 1 school.

Who do you admire most in the sport of gymnastics? I grew up loving Shawn Johnson. I still do

What is your favorite Region 5 Insider Feature or Series? I love seeing all the All Star videos.

What is your go to playlist or song before meets? I never listen to music before I compete because it’s never brought me good luck.

If you were trapped on a deserted island what 3 things would you bring with you? My phone, water, & a pillow

If you could be any animal, what animal would you be and why? I would be a dog, because they are so joyful and get lots of love and attention.

Who is your favorite superhero? Wonder Women

Do you have any pre-meet rituals or superstitions? I do not

What do you like to do outside of gymnastics? I like to ride my bike, go on runs, hang out with friends, and swim when it’s warm

Most embarrassing meet moment or gymnastics moment? Any time I spazz doing a skill. Especially on beam or bars

If you weren’t a gymnast, what sport would you do or try? I would want to try Volleyball or Track

Which athletes (any sport) do you respect the most and why? Jordyn Wieber. I watched her train, and how hard she worked all the time and it really inspired me to get the most out of every practice and to never give up on my dreams.

What is the most valuable piece of advice or wisdom you coach has given you? The best way to predict the future is to create it.

Bonus Questions: Tell me something interesting about yourself……I was born in Nashville Tennessee