20 Questions with 2017 JO National Qualifier Lauren Banister (Champion KY)


Our next 20 Questions athlete is Lauren Banister a level 10 from Champion in Kentucky. Lauren, who is in her sophomore year of high school, shows great power in the vault and floor exercise, as well as high flying releases on the uneven bars. Lauren will definitely be a “one to watch” this year.  Let’s get to know Lauren a little bit better as she looks to post season and another birth on the Region 5 Dream Team heading to JO Nationals in Cincinnati, Ohio.

How did you get into gymnastics? How old were you? I started gymnastics when I was 2 years old and went to Mommy and Me classes at our local gym.

What is your favorite event? My favorite event is Floor.

Favorite Skill to train/compete? My favorite skill to train is my Hindorff on Bars.

Dream Skill? My dream skill is a Shaposh uprise Hindorff.

What is your favorite part of gymnastics? My favorite part of gymnastics is that it’s not just a sport but it teaches you so many life skills to help you in the future. And gymnasts can do things not everyone else can do!!

What college do you plan on attending? I’m currently still looking for the right college to attend!

What is our favorite meet to compete at? Why? My favorite meet to compete at is Derby Classic, the meet Champion hosts. The energy level is great and when we compete on floor so many people come to watch us and a cheer as loud as they can!!

Biggest accomplishment in gymnastics so far? My biggest accomplishment so far in gymnastics is qualifying to JO Nationals!

Who do you most admire in the sport of gymnastics? The people I admire in gymnastics are my teammates because we are always there for each other and we help push each other to be the best we can be.

What is your favorite Region 5 Insider Feature or Series? My favorite Region 5 Insider feature is Coaches Wired or Best in 60 Seconds.

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What is your go to playlist or song before meets? My go to song before a meet is anything by Ed Sheeran. Especially his collaboration song with Eminem, River.

3 Things you could not live without? Three things I could not live without are my family because they help me through obstacles in life, my teammates because they are my best friends, and my phone because I’m always watching Netflix especially Grey’s Anatomy.

If you could be any animal, what animal would you be and why? If I could be an animal I would be a monkey cause they swing around and basically do flips when they want to.

5 Most Important or Must Have items in your gym bag? My must have items in my bag are Grips, Tiger Paws, Tape, Joshua Tree, and a snack. 🙂

Do you have any pre-meet rituals or superstitions? My pre-meet ritual is that ever since I was little I would always eat a Snickers bar and I still do today 🙂

What do you like to do outside of Gymnastics? Outside of gymnastics I like to hang out with my friends, go shopping, and watch a good show on Netflix.

Most embarrassing meet moment or gymnastics moment? My most embarrassing moment was when I was a camp and we were playing around the world on beam working jumps. I was the last one to go so I had to make it perfect to end the game. On my turn and I split the beam right in front of everyone there and we had to start over. The worst part they have it on video!

If you weren’t a gymnast, what sport would you do or try?  If I wasn’t a gymnast I would be playing soccer.

Which athletes (any sport) do you respect the most and why?I respect figure skaters the most because they have to be so graceful and elegant and try not to slip and fall on the ice.

What is the most valuable piece of advice or wisdom your coach has given you? The most valuable piece of advice I have gotten from my coach is to never forget who you are and what you have accomplished because there are so many more things you still have to do.

Bonus Question: Tell me something interesting about yourself…….Something that’s interesting about me is that I like to bake anything from cheesecakes to macaroons!! 🙂