Region 5 2016 Nastia Qualifers | Thoughts on Competing on the Big Stage


Region 5 qualified 8 gymnasts to the Nastia Cup this season and all but 1 are first time qualifiers. Makarri Doggette of Buckeye Gymnastics will compete in her impressive 3rd Nastia Cup. Region 5 is sending an awesome group of talent gymnasts to the to the cup this year and we caught up with each to find out what they are excited about and looking forward to tonight competition.

Gracen Standley had this to say about competing at Nastia:
” I am very excited to be able to experience the Nastia Cup this weekend. I’m most excited about competing on podium for the first time and meeting all the other competitors”

* Shea Mahoney of Legacy Elite was an original qualifier but unfortunately was injured and was replaced by her teammate Abbey Nkansah.