Perea hits 6.5 Bar Set, Gaskins to Worlds Selection Camp | 2017 PG Champs Day 2 Recap


Day 2 Results  Junior | Senior
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The 2017 P&G Championships have come to a close and leading the way for Region 5 was Emily Gaskins from Cincinnati. Emily rocked two days of competition improving by almost two points in the all around from night one finishing with a 55.5 and 7th place.  In the junior competition, Legacy Elite’s Gabby Perea scored the highest bars score for both juniors and seniors with a 14.5 and claimed the bronze medal for her two day combined total of 27.65. Gabby was introduced as a member of the 2017-18 USA Gymnastics Junior national team. Emily was invited and will attend the world selection camp at the ranch coming up in a few weeks. Here is a breakdown by rotation for day 2.

The seniors competition began with Leah Clapper (Gym America) and Shania Adams (Buckeye) each performing nice Yurchenko 1/1’s for 13.1 and 13.5. Emily Gaskins (Cincinnati) started off swinging her best bars of the weekend to improve over day one by almost half a point for a 13.45.

Clapper corrected her problems from night one catching her jaeger and rocking out her bar to bar combos to finish up with a 12.3 on bars, over 2 points better. Gaskins mounted the beam with awww from the crowd for her jump to shoulder stand. She attacked the set nailing the layout layout, front tuck and her two bhs to double back. She improved over six tenths from Friday night scoring a 13.7. Adams hit all her release combos nicely but was a bit of angle on her toe full on low bar and landed her 1/2 in 1/2 out off the edge of the mat but another hit set for 13.2.

Gaskins began her floor routine in rotation 3 with a beautiful Memmel turn, high double layout, managed to stay in bounds today on double arabian, and finished with nice double pike. Nice one Em! Adams started off strong on beam with her two wolf turns followed by her layout layout combo. However was slightly under rotated on her switch 1/2 turn to save it but came off the beam. She did do the 2 back handsprings 2 1/2 combo that she waterdown on Friday for a 12.8. Last up on beam in rotation 3, Clapper lands her layout layout on the beam today but then cartwheels off the beam on her side aerial. She finished up with her best double pike dismount of the weekend for a 12.4, improving upon her day one score of 12.1.

The fourth rotation lead off with Gaskins doing a nice Yurchenko double full for a 14.5. Adams finished up her competition on floor starting off with a beautiful double arabian stag jump and the best 2 1/2 front tuck this week. However she over rotated her middle double pike and fell out of bounds but finished strong with a nice double tuck for a 12.2. Shania is dealing some back issues and deserves praise for the fighter that she giving it her all this whole week. Clapper had lots of energy on floor bouncing out of bounds on her first three tumbling passes for a 12.1 and finishing out her first experience at P&G Championships.

Bars in Day 2 for our juniors was a huge improvement over day 1. Lilly Lippeatt from Cincinnati went 2nd up in the rotation and caught her Ray that gave her problems during Friday’s competition for a 12.75. Gabby Perea of Legacy Elite, who also missed her Ricna on day 1, breezed through that with ease connected immediately to a stalder shaposh 1/2 which is her new upgraded combination and a goal for her in this competition. The upgraded combo gave Perea one of the highest start values on bars 6.5 and tied for the highest bar score of the entire competition 14.55. She struggled a bit with the leg form on the stalder shaposh 1/2 which brought her a lower execution score then she is used to but GOAL ACHIEVED!!

Lippeatt on beam in the 2nd rotation broke one connection in the middle of the routine but looked confident and calm throughout the routine. She nailed her nice layout layout combo and finished with two back handsprings to double pike and small step for a 13.1. Despite her small stature, Lilly can tumble with a nice pike full in and 1 1/2 through to double back. The landings and overall routine was much better then in day 1. She improved her score by two tenths with a 13.35. Lilly finished off her first P&G Championships with a nice yurchenko full to improve her all around score by over one point to finish with a 52.3.