2019 Region 5 Yahtzee Awards (Part 3)


Well we have come to the 3rd and final voting of the 2018 Yahtzee Awards! I would like to thank everyone who voted. If you missed the first 10 categories no worries there is still time to vote. Links to and  Voting closes Tuesday September 10th at 11:59pm.

Winners will be announced Wednesday September 11th, 2019. Awards will be either presented to athletes at the 2019 High Tech/High Performance Camp in Indy or mailed to the individual gyms. 

Happy Voting!!!!

If you missed voting for any of the previous 11 categories –  Part 1   |  Part 2


Best Overall Performance


Sierra Brooks-Aspire (Level 10)
2019 National All-Around Champion
2019 National Vault Champion
2019 National Beam Champion
2019 National Floor Champion
2019 Regional AA Champion
2019 Regional Beam Champion
2019 Illinois State AA Champion
2019 Illinois State Vault
2019 Illinois State Beam Champion

Ellie Lazzari-Legacy Elite (Level 10)
2019 National AA Champion
2019 National Beam Champion
2019 National Floor Champion
2019 Regional AA Champion
2019 Regional Vault Champion
2019 Regional Beam Champion

Helen Hu-IK (Level 10)
2019 National Bars Champion
2019 National Beam Champion
2019 Regional Beam Champion
4 Time Repeat National Beam Champion

Regan Flannery-Stars & Stripes (Level 9)
2019 Eastern National AA Champion
2019 Eastern National Bars Champion
2019 Eastern National Floor Champion
2019 Regional Beam Champion
2019 Michigan State Vault Champion
2019 Michigan State Bars Champion

Railey Jackson-Legacy Elite (Level 9)
2019 Eastern National AA Champion
2019 Eastern National Bars Champion
2019 Eastern National Floor Champion
2019 Regional AA Champion
2019 Regional Beam Champion
2019 Regional Floor Champion
2019 Illinois State Floor Champion



JO Nationals Newbie of the Year

Team Spirit

Buckeye Gymnastics

Olympia Gymnastics

Gym America



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Favorite Invitational

Most Memorable Meet Moment

1. Helen Hu (IK Gymnastics)-4 time repeat Balance Beam National Champion! I mean who does that! Beautiful and incredible.

2. Matilyn Waligora (Olympia) Cry me a river! Matilyn literally brought me [Kim] to tears while filming her Senior Floor Routine at the 2019 Luau in Leos Meet. I have never cried while filming a routine. The mixture of Mati’s story and this music had me crying the entire time.

3. Grace Heys (Gymnastiks Unlimited) Grit & Grind, Can’t be stopped! Grace, who injured her ankle in floor warm-ups prior to being first up to compete, showed true grit and determination as she decided she would not be held back and compete. Grace, who was definitely the team leader for the Senior 7 Team, was determined to push through and finish the meet not only for herself, but for her team. It was a show of true determination and grit by an inspiring young lady.

4. Brett Wargo (Twistars USA) FLEX ON EM! This year Brett inspired the entire Region with his FLEX ON EM theme. Brett started this theme with his own gym Twistars USA for their competition season and carried it into the Championship Season. It became the driving force of the Region in 2019. Everyone really took this theme to heart and embraced it for Both the Eastern Nationals and the JO Nationals! Every age group, every session had their own cheers and even group cheers across the gym, Region 5 could definitely be seen and heard with this one. 

Outstanding Coaching Moment

1. Melinda Scheible (All American Flames) Mel Saves the Day! During the 2019 Michigan State Meet Melinda Scheible made an incredible spot and save. During Paige Thaxton’s bar routine, Mel saw that the bar spreader was not properly tightened and slide up after Paiges release move. Melinda thought quick, sprinted over to the spreader and literally hung her body from it to help secure it for the rest of the routine. Paige who unfortunately fell during the routine did not sustain any injuries and was able to later qualify to the 2019 JO National Championships. Melinda’s quick thinking and call to action could of prevented great injury.

2. Claudia Kretschmer (Gym America) & Michelle Kocan (Midland) Step up and Step In! During the Level 7 State Meet a young athlete competing in the morning session found herself without a coach for her state meet session (the coach did not show up). Claudia & Michelle were rotating with this young athlete, once they were alerted to the situation they stepped up and stepped into the role of coach for this athlete moving bars, timing warmup, offering spots, and giving hugs for a job well done. If it was not for these two incredible coaches taking this athlete under their wing and making her a part of their teams, she would of not been able to compete. Claudia & Michelle are two of the most selfless individuals I know and this act of kindness shows they see the bigger picture and are truly deserving of this nomination. 

3. Isabel Remond (Olympia) Coach Izzy! Isabel Redmond of Olympia Gymnastics qualified to her final JO National Championships in the alternate position, but found herself acting as coach for her younger teammate Rachel Rybicki. Olympia qualified many to the 2019 JO National Championships, so the coaches were having to go between both the Junior & Senior Gyms during the training day. Izzy, who could of been over with her Senior Teammates or her age group teammates, was by Rachels side during her beam training. It was incredible to see the admiration and respect Rachel had for Izzy listening to her every word as she went though her skills and routines. Izzy is an incredible mentor and inspiration for all.


Well that is a wrap for the 2019 Yahtzee Awards!!! If you missed voting for  &  there is still time! Click the links to check out the first 10 categories and cast your vote for your favorites. All polls will be closed Tuesday  at Midnight and winners will be announced Wednesday!

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