2017 Region 5 Favorite Leotards (Level 9 Edition)

  • Each year at the conclusion of the Region 5 Championships I come up with my Top 10 Favorite Region 5 Leotards. This is normally done based on the Level 10 sessions of the competitions. However, since there are clubs out there that do not have a Level 10 competing they do not have the opportunity to be on the list. So this year I have decided to recognize those clubs with great leotards from the Level 9 sessions, that do not have a Level 10 counterparts. Please enjoy!





Water’s Edge Gymnastics (Michigan)

Heartland Gymnastics Academy (Michigan)

Extreme Gymnastics USA (Michigan)

Premier West (Illinois)

The Gymnastics Company (Indiana)

Integrity Gymnastics (Ohio)

Wrights Gymnastics (Indiana)

Dream Big (Indiana)

Quad City (Illinois)


Thank you for following Region 5 Insider! I hope everyone enjoyed all the great leotards this year! There were so many great ones on the competition floor!