2016 Level 9 Eastern AA Champ Q&A: Skyla Schulte (Phenom)


spotlight_16wL9EastThe 2016 Level 9 Eastern Nationals were held April 28-May 1 in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Unfortunately our Media Team was not able to attend the competition, so we asked coaches, parents and athletes to send us videos, pictures, updates and for the All-Around Champions to fill out our Region 5 National Champions Q&A.

We will start our Level 9 Eastern National Champion Series with Junior 4 All-Around Champion Skyla Schulte of Phenom Gymnastics in Illinois.skyla copy



CONGRATULATIONS!!!! How does it feel to be the 2016 Level 9 Eastern National All-Around & Uneven Bar Champion?

It feels amazing. I worked really hard this year and tried my best to get to Nationals. So I feel very privileged to be the National Champion.

Tell us how your meet went for you? Walk us through each moment of your day, warm-ups, events etc…

I thought the meet went very well. I was by a lot of people who supported me and  that made it fun. I had 3 teammates with me (Haley, Lia and Lucy) and gymnasts from other gyms that gave a lot of support. Erica from Legacy Elite and Kati from AGA were great Region 5 Teammates to have!

I felt good during my warm-ups, they felt pretty solid. I started on beam and though my warm-ups were good. Floor warm-ups went well and I made my leaps all the way around during my competition so that made me happy. Vault was good; I had a good warm-up and felt  good when competing. on Bars I felt a little off during warm-ups, something wasn’t feeling right, but I told myself to just do my best and I was able to pull it all together during the competition, which paid off and I took 1st!\

What do you normally do between events to stay focused and read for the next event?

Stay positive and think of all the good things that could happen.

Tell us about the atmosphere of the meet compared to regular season meets you have been too.

It was fun!!!!! I liked representing Region 5 and being there with top gymnasts from other regions and gyms. They were all very supportive of each other. It was nice to feel the support from girls that aren’t from my gym. I have the best teammates and it was nice to meet other supportive girls. Region 5 was great!

What is it like being part of Region 5 at Eastern Nationals?

It was an honor because I got to meet a lot of new people and really good gymnasts. I got to see how the other gymnasts handled pressure. I didn’t feel a lot of pressure-it was just a lot of fun and support.

How has your experience been here at Nationals? What have you been doing besides competing?

My experience was super fun! Just to be at Nationals with other top gymnasts was exciting. Besides competing I spent a lot of time with my family and teammates. It was cold outside but we still spent time on the beach playing and taking pictures as a team. The banquet was fun, me and my teammates danced a lot. After the meet we went to dinner and hung out at the hotel pool. The day after the meet we went to historic Williamsburg for the day.

When the meet is over what is or what was the first thing you did to celebrate your win?

We went to a really nice dinner with my family, teammates and coaches. There were 20 of us!

Other than becoming National Champion, what was one highlight of the meet for you?

Meeting other gymnasts that made it to Nationals was really fun.

Anything crazy or funny happen during your competition?

Prior to Nationals my coach predicted that I and my teammates would be tied when walking into the last event. After our last event (Bars) my coach pulled us aside and told us his prediction came true. He said he should have played the lottery (LOL). Also, my number started coming off during my floor routine and the safety pins were scattered on the floor. Glad I didn’t step on them!!

How does Region 5 compare to the other Regions out on the competition floor? what sets Region 5 apart?

We are awesome! Region 5 was extremely supportive of each other and we had a lot of fun too. We supported each other a lot. Region 5 Jr. 3 & Jr.4 won both sessions.

Who inspired you the most during your competition or day? What did they say to you? How did you get amped up and motivated to compete?

My coaches, Jess and Marco, were my greatest inspiration. Jess kept telling me to “stay confident” and “do as I always do”. When I was on Vault she made muscle gestures at me, meaning “be strong”. Marco kept telling me “you can do this”. He gave me corrections and encouraged me.podium picture-1

The Region 5 coaches (Julie from AGA) reminded us of how great Region 5’s record is. My teammates Emma (lvl 10) sent me a text beforehand encouraging me and cheering me on. Our group chat (all teammates) were texting us with encouragement. My Grandma and Grandpa drove all the way to Virginia Beach to watch me and my Mom, Dad and Sister (Anna) were there for me too.

Check out Skyla’s Routines Here



For More Coverage from Level 9 Eastern Nationals Click Here