2016 Kalahari Luau in Leo’s


Luau2016New Heights has been hosting the Luau in Leos Invitational for many years and each year it is overly successful! What makes this meet so fun is that it is hosted at the Kalahari Resort in Sandusky, Ohio! This invitational brings two awesome activities together in one weekend in one place, Gymnastics & a Water Park!! What could be more fun for families and teammates. Due to the high success of this Invitational it was voted by Ohio USA Gymnastics as the Meet of the Year! What a great honor.

Kalahari will pay host to over 3100 Gymnasts and their families this weekend with teams coming from all across the country to compete and have fun. The Teams represented in the Level 10 Session were: AGA, Arcadia-PA, Bay Valley Academy,Elite, Gym World, Lake Erie, Michigan Academy, New Heights, Oakland Gymnastics, Olympic Dreams, Regionnettes-ON, Splitz Gymnastics, Radiant Sports.

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Level 10

Age Group A

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1. Nyah Smith, Oakland Gymnastics 9.600

2. Hannah DeMers, Splitz Gymnastics 9.550

3. Riley Meeks, Oakland Gymnastics 9.400

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1. Hannah DeMers, Splitz Gymnastics 9.425 Video

2. Grace King, AGA 9.325 Video

3. Nyah Smith, Oakland Gymnastics 9.200

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1. Hannah DeMers, Splitz Gymnastics 9.350

2. Grace King, AGA 9.325

3. Riley Meeks, Oakland Gymnastics 9.200

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1. Hannah DeMers, Splitz Gymnastics 9.475 Video

2. Nyah Smith, Oakland Gymnastics 9.450

3. Riley Meeks, Oakland Gymnastics 9.125

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1. Hannah DeMers, Splitz Gymnastics 37.800

2. Grace King, AGA 36.925

3. Nyah Smith, Oakland Gymnastics 36.875



Age Group B

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1. Abigail Walsh, Oakland Gymnastics 9.450

2. Rachel DeCavitch, Gym World 9.325

3. Molly Parris, Gym World 9.275

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1. Megan Teter, Gym World 9.450

2. Abigail Gaies, MAG 9.30

3.  Abigail Walsh & Molly Parris, Gym World 9.075

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1. Abigail Walsh, Oakland Gymnastics 9.250

1.Rachel DeCavitch, Gym World 9.250 Video

3. Megan Teter, Gym World 9.175

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1. Rachel DeCavitch, Gym World 9.475 Video (VC: Walsh Family)

2. Abigail Walsh, Oakland Gymnastics 9.275 Video

3. Molly Parris, Gym World 9.250 Video

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1. Abigail Walsh, Oakland Gymnastics 37.050

2. Rachel DeCavitch, Gym World 36.925

3.  Molly Parris, Gym World 36.725

Age Group C

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1. Sophie Bochenek, Splitz Gymnastics 9.625

2. Kara Roberts, Splitz Gymnastics 9.600

3. Shantal Springer, Arcadia-PA 9.575

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1. Claire Gagliardi, Olympic Dreams 9.575

2. Lauren Bottrell, Splitz Gymnastics 9.375 Video

3. Sophie Bochenek, Splitz Gymnastics 9.225

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1. Lauren Bottrell, Splitz Gymnastics 9.550 Video

2. Kara Roberts, Splitz Gymnastics 9.525

3. Claire Gagliardi, Olympic Dreams 9.500 Video

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1. Shantel Springer, Arcadia-PA 9.625

2. Sophie Bochenek, Splitz Gymnastics 9.500 Video

3. Claire Gagliardi, Olympic Dream 9.350 Video

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1. Claire Gagliardi, Olympic Dreams 37.925

2. Lauren Bottrell, Splitz Gymnastics 37.600

3. Kara Roberts, Splitz Gymnastics 37.400


Age Group D

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1. Toshianna Richard, Gym World 9.550 Video

2. Paige Kovnesky, New Heights 9.475 Video

2. Amira Ali, Oakland Gymnastics 9.475

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1. Paige Kovnesky, New Heights 9.600 Video

2. Nina Martucci, AGA 9.300 Video

3. Toshianna Richard, Gym World 9.00

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1. Melissa Brozier, Lake Erie 9.475

2. Tessa Phillips, Gym World 9.400

3. Pagie Kovnesky, New Heights 9.350

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1. Paige Kovnesky, New Heights 9.450 Video

2. Tessa Phillips, Gym World 9.300 Video

2. Toshianna Richard, Gym World 9.300 Video

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1. Paige Kovnesky, New Heights 37.875

2. Tessa Phillips, Gym World 36.725

3. Toshianna Richard, Gym World 36.375


Age Group E

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1. Alecia Farina, Gym World 9.675 Video

2. Alyssa Wiggle, Oakland Gymnastics 9.325

3. Jamie Waugaman, Gym World, 9.250 Video

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1. Alyssa Wiggle, Oakland Gymnastics 9.225

2. Evelyn Patient, Splitz Gymnastics 9.125

3. Samantha Nero, Elite 8.600

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1. Alyssa Wiggle, Oakland Gymnastics 9.300

2. Jamie Waugaman, Gym World 9.250 Video

3. Alyssa Schiller, Splitz Gymnastics 9.050

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1. Alyssa Wiggle, Oakland Gymnastics 9.425

2. Mackenzie Miller, Oakland Gymnastics 9.175

3. Jamie Waugaman, Gym World 8.500 Video

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1. Alyssa Wiggle, Oakland Gymnastics 37.275

2. Jamie Waugaman, Gym World 35.200

3. Mackenzie Miller, Oakland Gymnastics 33.950



1. Splitz Gymnastics 113.475


2. Oakland Gymnastics 112.100


3. Gym World 112.05




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