20 Questions with Twistars Senior Brooke Hylek


Our next 20 Questions athlete is Twistars Senior Brooke Hylek. Brooke, who will be joining the Eastern Michigan University Gymnastics Team in the fall, is a beautiful athlete to watch on the competition floor especially on the Uneven Bars. In the gym and on the competition floor Brooke is a leader and strong support system for her teammates, whether she is competing alongside her level 10 team or holding bar mats. Brooke will definitely be missed next year all around the gym. However, she is not going to far, we will see her competing in the green & white for a former Twistars standout, Kate (Teft) Minasola, on the Eagles Gymnastics Team. Let’s get to know this amazing athlete and teammate a little better before she says goodbye to Twistars USA & Region 5 to embark on the next chapter of her life.

How did you get into gymnastics? How old were you?  I was 2 when my mom put me in gymnastics and we did a Mommy and Me class and then just stuck with it ever since.

What is your favorite event? My favorite event is the Bars

Favorite Skill to train/compete? Double Front Dismount on Bars

Dream Skill? My dream skill is a Double Front Dismount or Shaposh on Bars

What is your favorite part of gymnastics? My favorite part of Gymnastics is getting to travel and meet new people.

What college do you plan on attending? I plan on attending Eastern Michigan University

What is your favorite meet to compete at? Why? I would say an meet we travel to because it is different and is always fun.

Biggest accomplishment in gymnastics so far? Getting a Full Ride Scholarship to Eastern Michigan University.

Who do you most admire in the sport of gymnastics?  How amazing it is and everything you learn from it.

What is your favorite Region 5 Insider Feature or Series? Eye on 5

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What is your go to playlist or song before meets? Pretty much anything to pump me up

3 Things you could not live without? My phone, My Mom and Lotion

If you could be any animal, what animal would you be and why? A dog because after seeing the movie “A Dog’s Purpose” I think it would be so cool to experience that.

5 Most Important or Must have Items in your gym bag? Lotion, A Headband, Chapstick, Ibuprofen and an Extra Snack

Do you have any pre-meet rituals or superstitions? I have no pre-meet rituals.

What do you like to do outside of Gymnastics? I like to hang with my friends and family and just enjoy their company.

Most embarrassing meet moment or gymnastics moment? Everyday when I ask Kathryn my random “question of the day”..those always end up being pretty embarrassing.

If you weren’t a gymnast, what sport would you do or try? I would try either dance or softball because gymnastics is kind of like dance and I have been told I look like a dancer and Softball because my family is a very baseball oriented family.

Which athletes (any sport) do you respect the most and why? Shawn Johnson because she is such an amazing role model and knows/knew how to handle herself very well in and out of gymnastics.

What is the most valuable piece of advice or wisdom your coach has given you? “I can see that you come into practice and want to get better and after a turn I can see the focus in your eyes. Never let anyone take that away from you. You are going to do great with Katie Teft.”

Bonus Question:   Tell me something interesting about yourself….
I have traveled out of the country for a competition.