20 Questions w/ senior Abigail Matthews (CGA)


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This season we are bringing back our 20 Questions series to get to know our Region 5 Athletes a bit better. Look for a new Region 5 Gymnast every Tuesday. Our first athlete is CGA Senior Abigail Matthews.


How did you get into Gymnastics? How old were you? My grandma signed me up for gymnastics classes when I was three because I wouldn’t stop climbing in the windows.

What is your favorite event? My favorite event is bars

What is your favorite part of gymnastics? My favorite part of gymnastics is the feeling of flying.



If not already committed to college, what college do you want to attend? I am committed to the University of Oklahoma.

What is your favorite meet to compete at? My favorite meet to compete at is our home meet, the Coaches Spectacular.

Biggest accomplishment in gymnastics so far? My biggest accomplishment in gymnastics so far is competing at J.O. Nationals last year.



Favorite skill to train and/or compete? My favorite skill to train and compete is a toe hecht on bars.

Dream Skill? My dream skill is a double layout off bars.




What is your all-time favorite leotard? My all-time favorite leotard is one that I got when I was about 10. It has grown with me. I still wear it on Saturdays when we aren’t matching verification leotards


Do you still have your very first leo? I no longer have my very first leotard.

Who do you most admire in the sport of gymnastics? I most admire my former teammate Amelia Hundley.

What were the first Olympic Games you remember watching? The first Olympics I remember watching was the 2004 Olympic Games.



What do you want to be when you grow up? When I grow up I want to either go into marketing and advertising or physical therapy.

Where do you go to High School? I attend online school with National University Virtual High School.

image-16What is your favorite color? My favorite color is all colors except pink.

What do you like to do outside of gymnastics? I like to play mini golf and watch Netflix outside the gym.

If you weren’t a gymnast what sport do you think you would try? If I weren’t a gymnast I would try softball.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live? I would love to live in Singapore.

If you could have lunch with anyone dead or alive who would it be and why? I would want to have lunch with my grandma. She died a few years ago and I would love to have one last meal with her and hear her voice again.screen-shot-2014-07-27-at-6-51-58-am

Tell me something interesting about yourself….. I love Ostriches! I want to be an ostrich jockey in an ostrich race one day. It’s on my bucket list. I don’t know if that is interesting or just strange lol


Abigail on bars at the 2016 Region 5 Championships