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Region 5 had 24 first time qualifiers (competitors) for the 2019 Level 10 JO National Championships. These newbies played a big role in Region 5 winning the Super Team trophy this year. We are looking back at the top 6 Newbie performances on each event plus the all around. Our last event is Floor and one that is always fun to see how the athletes mix the artistry with the difficult tumbling. These 6 athletes all have contrasting styles but each are very strong floor workers. Here are our Best 6 Newbie Floor Routines.
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Laci Keck, JPAC 9.625
Rachel Rybicki, Olympia 9.5
Sidney Washington, Gym America 9.5
Megan Bingham, Champion (KY) 9.475
Lauren Holt, GTC 9.475
Madison Green, Champion (KY) 9.4
Ava Wellmeier, Buckeye 9.4