Home20 Question Tuesday20 Questions with JO National Qualifier Ella Schell (Olympia)

20 Questions with JO National Qualifier Ella Schell (Olympia)

It’s Tuesday!!! That means it’s 20 Questions Tuesday! Today we are recognizing JO National Qualifier Ella Schell of Olympia Gymnastics in Michigan.  Ella qualified to the 2019 JO National Championships as a first year Level 10, where she finished 7th in her favorite event the Vault. I remember when I first saw Ella, early in her first Level 10 season, I was blown away at the power she had especially on Vault! No wonder it is her favorite it comes very naturally to her. It was a bummer that the 2020 season was cut short, this definitely could of been another great JO Nationals for Ella!

Ella, who is entering her freshman year of high school this fall, found quarantine kind of helpful for her due to growing a little this year. We all know how hard it can be when gymnasts hit that grow spurt, everything just seems out of whack for them. However, she is feeling ready to take on the 2020-2021 season stronger than ever once we here in Michigan can get back into the gym. Ella has 4 more years here with us in Region 5, she will certainly continue to  be “one to watch” as she continues to represent Region 5 & Olympia
Gymnastics on the National Stage. Let’s get to know Ella a little better as she continues Zoom & outdoor workouts with her Olympia teammates in preparation for when we all get that call saying we can get back to the sport we love like the rest of the Region. 

How did you get into gymnastics? How old were you? My mom took me with my older sister to a ‘Mommy and Me’ class when I was 18 months old.

What is your favorite event?Why? Vault because I’ve been really successful in that event consistently. Vault comes easier to me than most events.

Favorite Skill to train/compete?Why? I love to train Tkachevs because it is  new for me, and also out of my comfort zone.

Dream Skill? Yurchenko 1.5 on Vault.

What is your favorite part of gymnastics? Definitely being part of a team, and being at Olympia.  I am also a super competitive person so I love to be part of something like gymnastics that keeps me going all year long.

What college do you plan on attending? I just turned 14 so I am undecided.  I do have lots of favorites though!

What is your favorite meet to compete at? Why? Athlete Warrior because it’s Olympia’s home meet.

Biggest accomplishment in gymnastics so far? Medaling (7th Place) on Vault at JO Nationals last year.

What is your favorite Region 5 Insider Feature or Series? My favorite Region 5 Insider Feature or Series are the Blooper videos!!

What kinds of things really make you laugh? My teammates ?

3 Things you could not live without? 3 Things I could not live without would be Gymnastics, a toothbrush and Starbuck caramel macchiato

If you could be any animal, what animal would you be and why? Monkey, so I can swing from trees.

Thoughts on the 2019-2020 Season ending like it did? This season was a challenge for me (growth-wise) so I was obviously bummed, but also sort of relieved because it gives me additional time to come back ready to go for the 2020/2021 season.

What are you doing to keep up your training during Corona Quarantine? Zoom workouts 6 days/week, Doc Ali mental training, and goal setting with my coaches and Level 10 teammates.

What do you miss most about gymnastics during this time? Getting the opportunity to win state as a team (again) and qualifying for JO Nationals … and I miss my teammates!

What is the first thing you want to do once you can get back to gym & training? Work on my skills and get back to ‘normal’.

Most embarrassing meet moment or gymnastics moment? The last meet of my season this year I fell twice on beam, which I’ve never done. ☹

Do you have a nickname? If so what Is the story behind it? No gym nickname, just my family – ‘Boo’, ‘Boo Bear’.

Which athletes (any sport) do you respect the most and why? Kobe Bryant.  He was such a hard worker and he was very dedicated to the sport.

Something you learned from Gymnastics that you will take with you? I’m always learning that failing is ok, which is hard for me and what I haven’t been taught before.  Learning from your mistakes is so important.

Most Memorable Gymnastics or Nationals Moment? At JO Nationals last year there was another Region 5 Team competing and our Dream Team would shout cheers back and forth across the gym at each other!

What is the most valuable piece of advice or wisdom your coach has given you? Lori has taught me that gymnastics isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon.  Enjoy the journey!


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